Have you ever wondered just how many times a healthcare provider may order tests or prescribe medications in a single day, week or even a year?

As decreased reimbursement continues as the ongoing trend in medicine, healthcare providers that generate revenue must replace non-productive EHR technology to maximize the number of patients that

Whoever said the right dog would change your life forever knew what they were talking about.

Let’s face it; most physicians claim that documenting care in front of the patient takes away from the one-on-one patient encounter.

Whether a patient has been referred or is searching for a new healthcare provider, surgical center, imaging center or hospital, most patients utilize Google to research the most up to date patient

The fact is simply that Hospital EHR system were designed to manage the hospital environment but were ‘NEVER” designed to manage a physicians practice.

How do you take the most productive EHR software and make it even bett

The option of outsourcing the coding, billing and collections for medical practices has become the new standard in healthcare.

There is no dispute that COVID is directly responsible for making Tele

As the initial enforcement date of July 1, 2022, approaches for posting the machine-readable files (MRF) under the Transparency in Coverage Rule, UnitedHealthcare is providing an overview of requir

As decreased reimbursement continues as the ongoing trend in medicine, healthcare providers that generate revenue must replace non-productive EHR technology to maximize the number of patients that

Whoever said the right dog would change your life forever knew what they were talking about.

Let’s face it; most physicians claim that documenting care in front of the patient takes away from the one-on-one patient encounter.

Whether a patient has been referred or is searching for a new healthcare provider, surgical center, imaging center or hospital, most patients utilize Google to research the most up to date patient

The fact is simply that Hospital EHR system were designed to manage the hospital environment but were ‘NEVER” designed to manage a physicians practice.

How do you take the most productive EHR software and make it even bett

The option of outsourcing the coding, billing and collections for medical practices has become the new standard in healthcare.

There is no dispute that COVID is directly responsible for making Tele

As the initial enforcement date of July 1, 2022, approaches for posting the machine-readable files (MRF) under the Transparency in Coverage Rule, UnitedHealthcare is providing an overview of requir

Tying to communicate with patients during business hours creates many unique challenges for healthcare providers and their staff.