When I started using MD Logic I very quickly began to see a return on my investment in the terms of time savings. I used to spend about 3 hours per day charting the 25 to 30 patients that I had seen in clinic each day. Even with all this time I felt like I never really fully caught up and always had stacks of charts in the office.
After implementing the MD Logic EHR the 3 hours quickly dropped to just 1 hour per day to complete my patient charting. I am often asked about the impact MD Logic has had on my practice. The most exciting thing about the MD Logic EHR software is the large amount of time that MD Logic has given me back. The time savings offered by MD Logic allowed me to reinvest in my clinic by adding to the number of patients I can comfortably see each day. I have also taken the time savings and invested that in my family and my quality of life. I am home a little earlier each night and my kids get to see me for dinner.
MD Logic has reduced my stress in knowing I can leave after the last patient is seen. This is all possible due to the MD Logic EHR software allowing me to document care “real time” and keep pace with my patient workflow. Knowing that all the patient documentation and charting is completed and not waiting for me the next morning is another added bonus. MD Logic has improved not only my life but the quality of life for my staff. For me MD Logic has been a win for both my professional and personal life.