The need for healthcare providers to have 24/7 access to their patient’s health records has become a standard in healthcare. MD Logic is proud to be one of the first EHR companies to provide an intuitive smart phone app for our customers throughout the USA and internationally.
The MD Logic phone app provides instant access to the patient chart using an intuitively designed user interface. The user has instant access to the patients’ health history, surgical history, allergies, medications, progress notes and all documents scanned and filed in the patient’s electronic chart. The user can even take medical photos of the patient and select to have those photos updated to the patient chart.
One simple but powerful feature of the MD Logic Phone App is being able to view the appointment schedule on the phone. It is a simple way to browse your patient visits and determine what type of day to expect the next day in clinic. Running late at the hospital or surgical center? No problem – use the MD Logic Phone App to see if your patients have checked in for their appointments yet. Having real time access to your patient’s records provides peace of mind. All data is encrypted and no patient data is stored on your smart phone.
To learn how the MD Logic EHR/PM software can reduce your overhead, increase efficiency and maximize profitability, please contact our corporate headquarters today at 800-273-7750.