In an effort to control the rising costs of operating a successful medical practice, physicians are transitioning to the MD Logic RCM (Revenue Cycle Management) services.
For a flat percentage fee based upon the total revenue collected each month, the MD Logic RCM teams manage the revenue cycle management for the medical practice.
Services include the following:
- Claims Coding
- Claims Billing
- Electronic Claims Submission
- Printing and submission of secondary claims
- Resubmissions for Claim Denials
- Posting of EOB’s and all Payments
- Ongoing communication with the 3rd party carriers to ensure our clients are paid for the services they provide
- Ongoing meeting with clients to review results and make recommendations
While other RCM companies try to manage clients that use a wide variety of billing software and multiple clearinghouses for claims submission, the MD Logic RCM team exclusively utilizes the MD Logic EHR/PM Software along with the top (2) rates clearinghouses in the USA. By creating one standard for our teams to utilize, the MD Logic RCM teams are highly efficient in utilizing one EHR/PM Software platform to provide the Revenue Cycle Management Services.
As the leading U.S. provider of high performance Electronic Health Records and Practice Management Software, the MD Logic RCM Teams are focused on generating the very best ROI in (RCM) Revenue Cycle Management Services. By working exclusively with clients that utilize the MD Logic EHR/PM Software, the MD Logic RCM Teams are experts in using one standard EHR/PM Software. This focus allows each team member to elevate their efficiency and productivity for the RCM clients. When support is needed, our clients will communicate with the MD Logic RCM Team Members that are based in the USA.
To learn how MD Logic can reduce your overhead, increase efficiency and maximize profitability, please contact our corporate headquarters today at 800-273-7750.