When it comes to the doctor patient experience, the right EHR technology will enhance the patient experience whereas the wrong EHR technology will leave the patient feeling insignificant during the patient visit. For that reason, the MD Logic engineers have exclusively designed the MD Logic EHR Software to provide the very best in the doctor-patient experience.
As the leading U.S. provider in high performance Electronic Health Records Software, Practice Management Software and Revenue Cycle Management Solutions, MD Logic offers turn-key solutions for healthcare professionals. To build upon the doctor-patient experience, our management team continually works with our clients to specifically learn what enhancements or ideas would further benefit the doctor-patient experience. Based upon this feedback, our software designers and engineers take the best ideas and create the next standard for doctor-patient experience with MD Logic.
Thomas J. Bierster, Jr., Founder and CEO of MD Logic shared “our designers have been working on some very impressive EHR upgrades that will further enhance the doctor-patient relationship. Since day one, the MD Logic Software was designed to be used with touchscreen technology long before touchscreen technology became the standard for cell phones and wireless tablets. Our focus has always been bringing technology into the exam room to enhance the doctor-patient experience. It continues to amaze me at the vast number of doctors that leave EHR technology outside of the exam room due to the inefficiency of their EHR Software. This decision creates more work for the doctors and staff and reduces productivity. At MD Logic, we believe in engineering software that complements the doctor-patient experience in the exam room."
“When a doctor using the MD Logic EHR leaves the exam room, the patient visit has been documented. At the same time the CPT and Diagnosis codes for that visit are updated in the billing software to streamline the billing. This ensures that no charges are missed for services rendered. If the services were documented then there is a charge for the service. As the doctor leaves one exam room they are ready to walk into the next exam room and see the next patient. The right EHR should complement the doctor-patient experience and maximize productivity.”
“Last year our software designers and engineers worked hard on developing some cutting edge designs that will further enhance the productivity of our clients. We are creating this new gold standard in EHR that will be released in 2023. Since doctors and their staffs are being forced to do more in less time to stay compliant with government regulations, we want to ensure that MD Logic continues to deliver the very best EHR experience healthcare.“
To learn how MD Logic can reduce your overhead, increase efficiency and maximize profitability, please contact our corporate headquarters today at 800-273-7750.