Anyone in healthcare knows how difficult it can be trying to communicate with patients during working hour. The #1 reason for a patient not answering the phone has to do with the patient not recognizing the phone number.
Stop wasting staff time leaving messages and ensure you messages are being received by using the MD Logic On-Demand SMS text messaging service. Most employers do not allow personal calls during normal working hours. For this reason alone, healthcare providers and their staff are forced to leave messages asking the patient to return their call. A patient may return the call at their next break or during their lunch hour. However, the healthcare provider or the staff person that made the call may be unavailable when the call is returned. To simplify communication between patients and their healthcare providers, MD Logic created the SMS On-Demand Patient Communicator.
MD Logic clients are reporting huge times savings using the MD Logic SMS On-Demand Patient Communicator. All SMS messages sent and received from patients are automatically updated in the patient’s electronic health record. Practice administrators have confirmed that patients will respond instantly to a text message but may take several days to return a phone call. While a patient may not be able to take a phone call, the patient can quickly read a text message and reply to that text message. The other huge advantage is having the SMS text messages displayed in the patient chart so staff members can immediately review the latest text messages to the patient.
Our support team has tracked the most popular type of text messages being sent to patients that include the following:
- Schedule Surgery
- Schedule Procedure
- Schedule Diagnostic Test
- Schedule fitting for hearing aids
- Schedule fitting for braces, shoes and orthotics
- Inform patient of their deductible that needs to be paid before surgery, procedures or diagnostic test can be scheduled
- Request missed co-pays be paid by the patient
- Inform the patient that insurance has paid and the remaining amount is now due by the patient
- Update patient on communication with their insurance carrier and the status of getting their procedure, surgery or diagnostic test approved
- Communicate the patient’s recent diagnostic tests were within normal limits
The MD Logic SMS On-Demand Text Messaging Service is 100% integrated with the MD Logic EHR Software. We offer a 30-day free trial so our clients can test drive the On-Demand Text Messaging service. To learn how MD Logic can reduce your overhead, increase efficiency and maximize profitability, please contact our corporate headquarters today at 800-273-7750.